
Swimming Australia, Swimming Victoria

District 15

CVS Performance Database

For reasons of privacy, the CVS Performance Database is no longer available for download from this web page. It is still maintained inline with the description below and will be made available to duly authorised District 15-affiliated club officials upon request to the CVS Records Officer. The information returned will contain results for swimmers who are members of the requesting club only.

On 1st July 2023 the database was pruned to include only the historical results for swimmers from Clubs that were affiliated with District 15 as at that date. Results for swimmers at Clubs that were affiliated with District 15 prior to 1st July 2023 can still be found in the database backup that was taken on 30th June 2023.

The CVS Approved Meets report was last updated on 23/06/24.

About the CVS Performance database

For the benefit of all swimmers, coaches and club administrators and to greatly ease the workload of District officials through the season Central Victoria Swimming keeps a database to record the performances of every swimmer in the District. The database is maintained by the District Records Officer who will make a copy available to club administrators upon request.

The database is used to assist District officials in the selection of District representative squads through the validation of times swum and for the electronic submission of Meet entries. Entry qualifying times for the District Championships will also be verified through the database. Other benefits include the automatic discovery of new District Records and the detection of National, State, Country and District Qualifying Times that have been achieved for all Long and Short Course Championships. For coaches and swimmers, the database can be a great tool to track the improvements of swimmers over time.

However, its success depends greatly upon the co-operation of each and every swimmer, coach and Club administrator. Only the times recorded in the database are considered when representative squads are being selected and District Championship qualifying times are being verified.The results of Meets run by District 15 Clubs, all Meets at which District representative teams compete as well as National, State, Country and District Championships will be automatically included in the database. For all other Meets it will be the responsibility of the swimmer to advise a Club administrator when he or she has competed outside of the District. The Club administrator must then obtain a copy of the swimmer's results from the host Club. Put simply, if a swimmer’s time achieved at a Meet outside of the District is not in the database then it will not be considered when representative squad selection is done, District Championship entry is being verified and Records are being collated at season’s end.

Only results in Meet Manager or Team Manager format will be accepted by the District Records Officer. The Records Officer will regularly publish a report detailing every Meet in the database on the Resources page of the CVS website ( throughout the season.

Copyright 2021 Central Victoria Swimming Inc. Inc. All Rights Reserved.