Results & Records

Results from Meets held in the current season in District 15 and most Swimming Victoria Meets can be found on the Competitions page. Results from any Meet held in Australia can be found at Results Central.

CVS Approved Meets

The CVS Approved Meets listing was last updated on 09/02/2025.

The District Records Officer maintains a database of the results of swims by all members of District 15-affiliated Clubs. The database is referred to as the CVS Performance Database. It has been built and is maintained using the Active Hy-tek Team Manager application. Swim Meets that are in the database are considered to be CVS Approved Meets.

Only the times recorded at a CVS Approved Meet will be considered when representative squads are being selected, District Championship qualifying times are being verified and District Record claims are being validated.

By default, the results of Meets run by District 15-affiliated Clubs, all Meets at which District representative teams compete as well as National, State, Country and District Championships are automatically included in the database. For all other Meets it will be the responsibility of the swimmer to advise a Club administrator when he or she has competed outside of the District. The Club administrator must then obtain a copy of the swimmer's results from the host Club in Team Manager Result file format and forward it to the Records Officer for inclusion in the database. Put simply, if a swimmer’s time achieved at a Meet outside of the District is not in the database then it will not be considered as having been achieved at a CVS Approved Meet.

On 1st July 2023 the database was pruned to include only the results for swimmers from Clubs that were affiliated with District 15 on that date. Results for swimmers at Clubs that were affiliated with District 15 prior to 1st July 2023 can still be found in the database backup that was taken on 30th June 2023.

For reasons of privacy, the CVS Performance Database is not generally available to the wider District 15 community. However, it will be made available to duly authorised District 15-affiliated club officials upon request to the District Records Officer. The information returned will contain results for swimmers who are members of the requesting club only.

The Records Officer will regularly publish a listing of CVS Approved Meets on the CVS website ( throughout the season.

District Championships

At each District Championships numerous club and individual trophies are awarded. Following are the trophies, their award criteria, the most recent winners and the full results of the most recent Championships.

    Club Trophies

  • Charles R Turner Memorial Trophy - Awarded to the Club with the highest aggregate points scored by male swimmers - Bendigo East
  • Allan Monaghan Trophy - Awarded to the Club with the highest aggregate points scored by female swimmers - Bendigo East
  • Frank Burgess Trophy - Awarded to the Club with the highest aggregate points scored by male and female swimmers - Bendigo East
  • Tom Henderson Trophy - Awarded to the Club which set the greatest number of new Championships Records - Bendigo East
  • Margaret Lang Trophy - Awarded to the Club with the largest points improvement by percentage - Gisborne Thunder
  • Betty Pysing Trophy - Awarded to the winning Club of the Mixed 14/over 4 x 100m Freestyle relay - Bendigo East
  • Individual Trophies

  • Wally Stables Trophy - Awarded to the winner of the Mens 400m Freestyle event - Wil Anderson (Bendigo East)
  • Coral Evely Trophy - Awarded to the winner of the Womens 400m Freestyle event - Stephanie Moran (Bendigo East)
  • Girls 13/under Trophy - Awarded to the 13/under female swimmer with the highest aggregate points in individual events - Azia Fong-Sutton (Bendigo East)
  • Girls 14/over Trophy - Awarded to the 14/over female swimmer with the highest aggregate points in individual events - Marley Addlem (Bendigo East)
  • Boys 13/under Trophy - Awarded to the 13/under male swimmer with the highest aggregate points in individual events - Maconnel Malone (Bendigo East)
  • Boys 14/over Trophy - Awarded to the 14/over male swimmer with the highest aggregate points in individual events - Angus Addlem (Bendigo East), Austin Robbins (Bendigo East)

District Records

On a best efforts basis the District Records Officer will attempt to discover new Records set each season. However, the ultimate responsibility still lies with each swimmer to claim a District Record.

If you believe you have set a new District Record please complete the Application for District Record form, attach the required evidence to support your claim and email it to the District Records Officer for verification.

Archived Results

Follow these links to find thousands of results from seasons past.

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